Save some white for dots.
Roll up the main part of white to make the stem part of the mushroom.
Start punching and shaping.
Use different angles.
Keep turning the piece you are working on, because it will attach a bit to the foam if you keep it in one spot.
Watch your fingers.
The needle is sharp.
The point of the needle is kind of fragile
and will break if you force it or bend it.
Keep the end of the mushroom stem, that shall be attached to the cap, fluffy.
If you have compacted too much you can't make it mesh and stick to the
other part easily.
Start shaping the cap of the mushroom.
You can start by making it more or less ball shaped to begin with.
Keep it fluffy so you can attach the stem.
Attach the stem to the cap by just punching the fluffy ends together.
If you punch the white all the way through the red part it will go through
to the surface a bit, so, if you do not want it to show, just punch lightly,
or put more red on afterwards to cover up any white.
Secure the cap by punching down the stem from the cap side. When you punch straight down you are in the middle of the stem, and you don't have to worry about the red showing through.